well u gamer will be helping me with LFpod, and he is working on a code that selcts music from the audio portal and allows it to play. even though i am just useing this project just to get back into flash it's becomeing bigger then that. i am now takeing feature request.. baseley if you make music and uplaoded it to newgrounds but it aint that popular just send me a message, and mabie i will feature it on LFpod, so that it will have it's own section on the flash just for the song, i will give info about the song creator etc, so it can make the song more popular, after awhile i will change the featured song (how long it stays depends on how many submissions i get)
[how to submit]
very simple, just send me a PM with the name of the song you want me to feature, i will listen to it and will message you back weather or not it will be featured. thats it.
Hope this helps anyone looking to be more popular... in the meanwhile if i run low on submissions i will just put music i made in there
*EDIT* LFpod may not see the light of NG cause if we dont have much in it then not much of a reasion to release it, we will see how it turns out. in the meanwhile i will start working on my next project